Sunday, August 28, 2011

Hurricane Irene August 27-28 2011

City of Guttenberg, NJ DOW helping GTC3 engineers pump water out of the S level of our condominium. They have been working for over 8 hours so that hot water and elevator service can be resumed.
The man hole cover flew off with the water gushing up like 'Old Faithful' because of the flooding from the Hudson River onto River Road and into the S level of Tower 3. 
Ted arrived home at 8:45 am today after working from 4 pm yesterday for a double shift because of Hurricane Irene at Englewood Hospital in the Emergency Room CT. Sophia was very happy to see Ted and is resting quietly while Ted sleeps.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Wear Red on Fridays

31 lost, 31 unwanted visits, 31 doors receive that dreaded knock, 31 families with shattered hearts, 31 pairs of boots lined up with rifles and dog tags and helmets, 31 comrades remembered and grieved for, 31 funeral services, 31 names on newly made grave markers, 31 empty places at the table, 31 souls who gave all, whose lives leave a void, so let's take 31 seconds to re-post this and pause to reflect on such a sacrifice as 31 gone forever.

Keep this rose going for the 31 US Special Forces and 7 Afghan Commandos who lost their lives in a helicopter crash ♥♥♥♥

¯`v´¯) Your families are in our thoughts
`*.¸.*´ and prayers during this
¸.•´ ¸.•*¨)¸.•*¨) difficult time!!!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Pearl Tobia Waldman Oppenheim Saturday, August 4, 2012

Mom, I have been thinking about how much I love you and miss you because today it is two years since your loving soul made it's way up to heaven. You are in my heart and dreams!
Mom, Ted and I are missing you very much. We will always love and cherish all the joyous moments we shared with you. Thank you for all your wisdom and love.